Saturday, December 29, 2007

We´re so high we barely know whats going on...

First of all, not to sound anti-American, but why do we insist on going against the grain? For example, the metric system. It turns out 1 meter actually equals 3.281 feet. So the standard factor of 3 is a bit off. With this new information, I figure the city of Cusco to be at 11,023 feet! However, Machu Picchu, which we are allegedly hiking up to, is lower at 2400 M (7874´)´. Other areas for comparrison sake: Aspen = 2422 M (7945´). Portland = just over 15 M (50´). Cuenca, Ecuador = 2579 M (8300´)

Then there is Farenheit.
To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8 and add 32 degrees. Now thats just silly. We let some sick girl use our thermometer, and it read 102 ish, which didnt alarm her in the least, as she was looking for something in the 37 -38 range. Celcius freezes at 0 and boils at 100. Im just sayin...

Last bit of did you know... The furthest point from the center of the earth is not Mt Everest, but rather Ecuadors Volcano Chimborazo. This is because of the ¨Equatorial Bulge¨ that occurs as a result of the constant rotation of the earth on its axis. Correct me if Im wrong, but I beleive it can
be correctly deducted that: further from the center of the earth = closer to the sun...? If that is correct, and I dont see why it wouldnt be, then the beaches of Ecuador (where I was surfing on Christmas day) are closer to the sun than the peak of Mt Everest. Chew on that!

The breif thunder storm and rain burst that allowed me to ponder these thoughts in response to Annies ¨how high is it there¨ question, has passed, and Id best go wander the streets of this high land while Im here. Cheers!



Anonymous said...

VIP and Max,
Mom and I enjoyed Cusco. Our hotel was a short walk from the main plaza and across the street from the Inca Museum. Cusco also has a huge covered bazaar that was interesting. I forgot what we bought, but I’m sure we purchased something! The altitude thing is simply overrated. We had absolutely no problems in Cusco, the surrounding hills or in Machu Picchu nor did anyone in our group.

Now about the new blog photo…

Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Woah! Sounds like the coca tea kicked in...

Cheyenne Renee said...

I do not even know where to start but Jealously is fairly accurate!!!! I am thrilled to see your photos and read about your travels. Officially Ryan and I have decided to fly South for a future winter as well.

Cutest couple award is still in contention obviously

Cheyenne Renee said...

We loved your Postcard, Thank you !
Your house was great and felt great to be in your space, Vip, and I am super ready for you to come home. Keep up the great work and good luck on the cutest couple competition !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the altitude hit you in a sneaky way. All those wandering thoughts... sounds like you were having a "why is there air" moment.

Annie Thompson said...

Dude, are you high...? Yeah, brutha. Glad I could initiate some altitude-induced pondering. Now, let's talk physiology - trip on this: the higher the altitude you are, the less pressure on your cells, decreasing the absorption capacity of the blood causing crazy little introspective thoughts and ramblings.
Love you for all that MaXie.
-Annie Banannie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Max. I send you my love. It sounds as if you are doing things only people dream of. I love the one of you and Vanessa.

Aunt Penny