Friday, December 21, 2007

Feliz Solstice y Navidad!

Hola friends and family!
Today was our LAST day at the spanish school here in Cuenca (muy triste), but we feel that we´ve learned at least enought to jump off into the unknown and get down to exploring this beautiful continent. We will continue our studies and look forward to some more ´hands on´spanish speaking situations. despues este fin de semana nosotros vamos a la playa por navidad. Being on a beach for Christmas should be great if we can get there. There could be troubles with finding a bus that is not booked once we make it closer to the coast, as it turn out that we´re not the only people who fancy this idea, but this trip is about adventures and we´re ready for whatever happens.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
We LOVE your posts, so please keep them up, it´s wonderful for us to know you´re all out there keeping up with us during our travels and we´d love to keep up on what you´re up to as well.
Best wishes,
Vanessa & Max


Anonymous said...

Wow, the photos are wonderful. It is great to hear that school went well and left you both confident to continue your explorations. A bit of advice: use as much Spanish between the two of you as possible as well as with the locals. If they use English, try and respond in Spanish. What beach town/village are you headed for? Things are really nice here. The rain cleared for Christmas it appears. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

I wish you both the best of all the worlds scenery. I send you my love and thanks for all the wonderful pictures. Keep safe and birthday greetings, in advance, to you.

Much love, Aunt Penny